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Tell us what type of assistance you are looking for.

 Unemployment Help
 Food Assistance
 Medical Assistance
We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources for the homeless. Homeless clinic and treatment center


Help Us Help You

Veterans Housing Program: to end chronic homelessness among veterans in our communities. Achieving that goal is complex, requiring more than putting a roof over our veterans’ heads. It requires a holistic approach that addresses the “total veteran” and his or her needs.Hands of Hope Veterans Inc. housing comes with a full range of support services including meals, an employment and training program.



Homeless adolescents often suffer from severe anxiety and depression, poor health and nutrition, and low self-esteem. In one study, the rates of major depression, conduct disorder, and post-traumatic stress syndrome were found to be 3 times as high among runaway youth as among youth who have not run away (Robertson, 1989).

Furthermore, homeless youth face difficulties attending school because of legal guardianship requirements, residency requirements, improper records, and lack of transportation. As a result, homeless youth face severe challenges in obtaining an education and supporting themselves emotionally and financially

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